Doyles in Parnell...

Below is an image I captured off of Find A which shows the Michael Doyle Family My Dad's (Thomas William Costello) Mother Josephine Doyle's family

This image of Henry Doyle's ( my grandmother Josephine "Doyle" Costello's brother) baptism in Ireland it is the first documented proof of my Irish lineage and where my great grandparents Michael and Catherine (Armstrong) Doyle resided as young parents   

Here is a link to the image 

Have to think we have a ton of second / third cousins on the Doyle side..only a few Costellos burried in Parnell.. but here's the list I found for Doyles burried

Doyle, Agatha.
        d. of M. and S; b. Sept. 11, 1850; d. Sept. 15, 1850.
Doyle, Andrew.
        b. 1889; d. 1921.
Doyle, Bernard F.
        o.d. 1928.
Doyle, Bessie F.
        o.d. 1925.
Doyle, Catherine.   [Mother]
        b. 1844; d. 1912; on lot with Michael, Henry, Andrew and J. Albert.
Doyle, Daniel A.
        b. 1856; d. 1930.
Doyle, Edward F.
        d. July 13, 1883; a. 27y.
Doyle, Ellen G.
        d. of M. and S; b. Oct 6, 1865; d. Sept. 6, 1885.
Doyle, Francis.
        ch. of Thos. and Mary A;   d. Oct. 5, 1862; a. 4m.
Doyle Henry.
        b. 1865; d. 1913.
Doyle, Henry G.
        b. 1870; d. 1912.
Doyle, J. Albert.
        b. 1914; d. 1923.

Doyle, Johanna.
        see Abraham [Johanna Doyle].
Doyle, John.
        b. 1823; d. 1913.
Doyle, John J.
        b. 1878; d. 1913.
Doyle, John W.
        d. Jan. 7, 1878; a. 24y.
Doyle, Louisa.
        see Griffin [Louisa Doyle].
Doyle, Margaret J.
        d. July 27, 1880; a. 9y.
Doyle, Martin.   [Father]
        b. Nov. 10, 1814; d. Mar. 4, 1895.
Doyle, Martin J.
        s. of M. and S; b. Nov. 27, 1860; d. May 8, 1892.
Doyle, Mary.
        w. of Michael; d. Nov. 8, 1869; a. 55y. 3m; native of Tipperary, Ire.
Doyle, Mary.   [Mother]
        b. 1856; d. 1918; on lot with Thos. F. and Mollie.
Doyle, Mary A.   [Mother]
        w. of Thos; d. Feb. 26, 1906; a. 76y.
Doyle, Mary A.   [Mother]
        b. 1845; d. 1917; on lot with Thos., Thos. F., John and Henry.
Doyle, Michael.
        d. Jan. 7, 1869; a. 60y. 3m; native of Co. Corlow, Ire.
Doyle, Michael.   [Father]
        b. 1841; d. 1909.
Doyle, Michael.
        d. Nov. 26, 1881; a. 21y.
Doyle, Mollie.   [Sis.]
        b. 1879; d. 1912.
Doyle, Owen.   [Father]
        b. 1838; d. 1888.
Doyle, Sarah.
        d. June 25, 1879; a. 29y.
Doyle, Susan.   [Mother]
        w. of Martin; b. Nov. 3, 1828; d. Sept. 24, 1891.

Doyle, Thos.   [Father]
        d. Apr. 25, 1895; a. 76y; native of Co. Wicklow, Ire.
Doyle, Thos.   [Father]
        b. 1838; d. 1912.
Doyle, Thos. F.   [Father]
        b. 1855; d. 1915.
Doyle, Thos W.
        s. of Thos. and Mary A; d. Jan 9, 1873; a. 4y.


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